Hong Kong Trademark Registration Fees & Procedures
Hong Kong Trademark Registration Fees
US$ 799 
- Conduct trademark search and evaluation
- Give advice on trademark registration
- Apply for trademark registration
- Assist in infringement litigation
- Assist in rights protection against trademark infringement
Recognized as an international financial centre and with a free economic system, low tax rate and comprehensive infrastructure and supporting trade services, Hong Kong attracts investors from all around the world. While enhancing its international reputation, a lot of investors have registered their trademarks in Hong Kong in order to protect their brands and enhance their competiveness.
Overview of Hong Kong trademark registration process
- Trademark Search
- Initial Application
- Substantive Examination
- Publication
- Issuance of Certificate
Detail procedures for trademark registration in Hong Kong
Once we have received your application our examiner will process it according to the stages set out in the diagram and described below. If there are no deficiencies in the application and no objections to the trademark then the whole application process can take as little as 6 months from receipt of application to registration.
1. Application
One IBC® staff will support you fill-up application form (Forms T2 or T2A) then filling with Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department (IPD) with receipt alloted application number.
2. Deficiencies Checking
Co-ordination with IPD thorough check and required information further provided. Some amendments are very minor and will not affect the filing date of your application, e.g. the class number of the applied for goods.
3. Search & Examination done by IPD
After the deficiencies checking has been completed and all is found to be in order we will conduct a search of the trademarks records to see if the same or similar trademark has already been registered or been applied for by another trader in respect of the same or similar class of goods and services.
4. Publication of Hong Kong trademark
Your trademark has been accepted for registration, it is published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal.
5. Opposition to your Trademark by a Third Party
Anyone can view your trademark in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal and lodge an opposition to it. They have to file an opposition notice within the 3-month period beginning on the publication date if any, otherwise come to final step
6. Trademark Registration in Hong Kong
Once your trademark has been accepted for registration, the Registrar of Trade Marks will enter the details of your trademark into the trademarks register and you will be issued with a certificate of registration. Notice of the registration will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal and the registration of your trademark will date back to the filing date of your application. That means as the owner of a registered trademark, your rights take effect from the filing date of the application.
Considered before Filing an Application
- Whether the trademark distinguishes the applicant’s goods or services from other traders
- Whether the trademark shows the distinctiveness of the goods and services
- Whether the trademark is a generic term in that industry
- Whether the trademark is identical or similar to other trademarks
Required Informations and Documents for HK trademark
- Corporation Applicant: Business Registration Certificate / Certificate of Incorporation
- Individual Applicant: Identity documents and address proof
- Application form, we will support you fill-up it
- Trademark image
Hong Kong trademark renewal
Renewal application for 10 years may be submitted 6 months before the expiry date.